Very few people are actually colour blind, and colour deficient is a better way of looking at it. You might see some colours but not others and other times you might guess the colour because of learned knowledge as opposed to actual learned knowledge. If symptoms are very mild, you may not even be aware of this deficit.

It’s a common hereditary condition that primarily affects males, although it can also affect females. There are several types of colour blindness, and these differ depending on which cones of the eyes are dysfunctional or missing.

Most people have difficulty with red and green, and some don’t know the difference between blue and yellow. True colour blind people have a condition called monochromatism or achromatopsia, which allows them to only see in black and white or shades of grey.

We do many tasks and jobs each day to separate things and make being able to see colour necessary, especially in this digital age.

So you think you have a colour vision deficit – what do you do? 

There are many online tests you can do to see how well you can see colour. That is often the first place people go. If you would like to try the test click here

The next step is to go to your local Optometrist for a test. To find your nearest qualified colour vision Optometrist click here

If you discover you have a colour vision deficit, you may be interested in trying the colour vision glasses. There are many available but are not all guaranteed to work.

The quickest most effective way to find out if colour vision lenses work for you is to try a testing kit. The testing kit is made up of several different types of actual colour vision lenses. You can see colours exactly the same as if wearing glasses for minimal monetary outlay. Click here to read more

Once you have received the testing kit and have had a look through the lenses, you will decide if buying a pair of colour vision iRo Lens glasses or contact lenses is right for you.

Here’s a handy tip if you do have a colour vision deficit –

Change the lighting in your home. Colour vision doesn’t function in the dark, so having a dark environment can make it more difficult to see colours, especially with a colour vision deficit. If you have trouble navigating around your home or at work during the day, consider using daylight bulbs to help brighten things up.