Having a colour vision deficit is usually something you can adapt to until it comes to food colours. Imagine thinking peanut butter is green – would you put that in your mouth?
Your whole perception of food is different. Often when people try on our iRo Lenses that can’t believe we would put something brown in our mouths!
Although colour blind people do develop strategies to help them with food, shopping for fruit and vegetables can cause issues, but they adapt. They learn that ripe apples are darker than unripe apples and that generally, ripe fruit feels softer than unripe fruit.
Though it does get tricky with potatoes, as green potatoes aren’t as easy to pick, they can be dangerous as they contain a poisonous solution, solanine, which is particularly dangerous in pregnancy.
Texture becomes an essential part of cooking and eating. For example, it’s evident for coloured pasta and noodles. Just stirring a pot full of boiling water with uncooked pasta, then stirring a pot full of boiling water and cooked pasta, is a very different experience. Or try, taste, get the el dente texture in your mouth. Though if you aren’t sure and you keep testing you may end up with nothing in the pot!
To judge if peas are cooked in the pan when they are “wrinkled” they are ok but be quick; otherwise, they become hard.
So if you start thinking about everything you cook and how a colour vision deficit person sees it, it can be a real problem. People with a colour vision deficit often have trouble cooking meat as they can’t tell if it is cooked or not. How do you know if a piece of meat is cooked?
Texture again plays a part, stir-frying raw meat, partly cooked meat, and cooked meat can all feel different. Grilling meat is a time for everyone to use texture, probably some variant of the press-the-ball-of-your-thumb rule.
Though if you are not careful, you could easily give yourself food poisoning.
Even food safety experts will tell you that colour or texture isn’t the best way to judge when your steak cooked. Or your roast, pork chops, turkey, or other meats. Different lighting can also give a different look. So it is recommended that people who have colour vision problems always cook in the same light.
Or the best bet is to get a thermometer and a chart that shows the right temperature for cooking different meats. For example, cook:
Chicken breast to 67C
Hamburgers to 65C
Medium-rare steak to 57C
Or you could just –
Try our iRo Lenses today!
The iRo lens ‘home testing’ kit will enable you to determine which lens is best suited for you so you can enjoy new more vibrant colours for the very first time. This process is straightforward and comes with a step by step guide to assist you in selecting the most appropriate iRo lens for you.
These filters in the home testing kit show you exactly how you will see your new more vibrant colours with your iRo lenses. You can take them outside, look around and see your amazing new world of colours and see the world in all its beauty. So even if you don’t decide to purchase the iRo lenses these filters will at least show you how vibrant all the colours actually appear.
The next step is to purchase a testing kit click here, and if you enter in this code on check out you can receive the kit for half price – COLOUR
We will mail them out to you straight away and there is even an instruction video on our YouTube Channel on how to use the kit Click here to view
Once you have seen how amazing the iRo lenses will be for you then you may wish to purchase our iRo frames and lenses and this can be done over the phone or online.
*plus postage