During these difficult times of social distancing, everyone is looking for things to do at home. Given that one in eight males has a colour vision deficit, there are a lot of people out there who may not be aware they can’t see colour.

We can help, and this is all you need to do:

Step one

Firstly, head to our iRo Lenses web site and take the Colour Vision test click here then return here for step two.

Welcome back – Did you discover anyone in the household who has some colour vision problems?

Don’t worry, we have discovered, even people who don’t have a colour vision inherited condition only one in 100 people scored 10 out of 10. Those high achievers tended to be aged between 31 and 35, while people in their 80s on average struggled to get four out of 10. So in perceiving shades of colour correctly, age is also a factor. Banner2

Another way of checking if you may have a colour vision deficit is to look back in the family history on your Mother’s side. The Mother carries the genes and passes it on to sons. Is there anyone in the family who may have had this? Sometimes they may not have known. There may have been jokes about Uncle ??? who always dressed funny – because he didn’t know his colours?

Women can also have a colour vision deficit, a smaller percentage, about one in 300, so it is not unheard of. It is typically inherited genetically and carried recessively on the X chromosome.

Another thing to check is each eye as it’s extremely rare, but it’s possible to have normal colour vision in one eye and colour blindness in the other eye. This is called unilateral dichromacy.

Here’s a piece of trivia – Lots of colour blind people are surprised to find out that peanut butter is not green.

We love giving people the ability to see colours. The look on their faces as they experience it for the first time, it truly is an amazing moment. We recognise that there are many thousands of people around the world who do not see colours to the same level of intensity as they could, but now they no longer need to endure that feeling of disappointment.

That brings us now to Step Two

If you have discovered there is a colour vision deficit in your household, we have actual iRo Lenses in our in-home testing kits. These help with social distancing as you don’t have to go the Optometrist to have your eyes checked – just yet. Iro Lens Testing Kit

The iRo lens ‘home testing’ kit will enable you to determine which lens is best suited for you so you can enjoy new more vibrant colours for the very first time. This process is straightforward and comes with a step by step guide to assist you in selecting the most appropriate iRo lens for you.

These filters in the home testing kit show you exactly how you will see your new more vibrant colours with your iRo lenses. You can take them outside, look around and see your amazing new world of colours and see the world in all its beauty. So even if you don’t decide to purchase the iRo lenses these filters will at least show you how vibrant all the colours actually appear.

The next step is to purchase a testing kit click here, and if you enter in this code on check out you can receive the kit for half price – COLOUR

We will mail them out to you straight away and there is even an instruction video on our YouTube Channel on how to use the kit Click here to view

Once you have seen how amazing the iRo lenses will be for you then you may wish to purchase our iRo frames and lenses and this can be done over the phone or online.

*plus postage